Digital Realty

TURNKEY's First Large-scale Heat Load Test project for Digital Reality Trust (DRT) at TKO Industrial Estate
TURNKEY was assigned to perform its first large-scale heat load test project for DRT in October 2018.\

The most critical part of this project is to set up the support frames to hold over 1320 no. of 2kW & 5kW fan heat loaders as well as 36 nos. of 380V 105kW heat loaders to perform the heat load test over 24 hours. TURNKEY also construct a temporary “Cold Aisle Containment” to ensure the performance is close to a real data centre environment.
Scope of Work:
- Heat Load Test for Hall S110 (10 x 105kW + 24 x 110kW loader bank)
- Heat Load Test for Hall S120 (small loader banks for 2700kW)
- Integrated System Test
- Thermal Imaging Services